On Parenting Prodigals
Parenting prodigals can be as devastating as losing a loved one, but you can still cultivate peace and joy in this difficult season. Here are some practices that have helped me over the years.
1. Entrust your child to the LORD; He loves them even more than you! He is the only perfect parent and is always with them wherever they are. He will protect them or chastise them in accordance with His perfect will, and you can't ask for better than that.
2. Forgive them unconditionally, just as the LORD has forgiven you.
3. Forgive yourself. No, you were not a perfect parent. If you are walking with the LORD, the Holy Spirit will convict you of wrongdoing. Ask the LORD for forgiveness, turn from known sin, and move on.
4. Let go of all your expectations of how your prodigal should behave. We cannot change the actions of others. Do not give your child the ability to wound you further. It is what it is.
5. Pray for them daily. Remember: this is not the least you can do. It is the BEST you can do!
6. Give thanks to the LORD for the time they WERE in your life. An attitude of gratitude will protect you from anger, bitterness, and sin.
7. Serve the LORD with gladness and encourage others with your words and actions. If you miss your children at the holiday table, then invite a lonely senior or an international student to celebrate with you. If you are missing your grandchildren, consider working in the church nursery.
8. Leave the light on and your heart wide open. The LORD is not finished with them yet.
9. Accept your feelings. Grief is not a one and done experience. Weep when you need to. Smile in remembrance when you can. Your feelings are your feelings. Find a trusted Christian friend who is a good listener and will gently help you get back on track if you begin stumbling down a wrong path.
10. Have a ready answer for the hope that is in you. Others are watching, and the LORD will not allow your pain to be wasted. Be honest and transparent with other parents that are suffering when your discernment gives you the green light.
11. Be careful when you are in the presence of young people who are complaining about their parents. Listen with empathy but do not support their rebellion. Redirect them to gratefulness. If they are Believers, share with them how important it is to honor their parents and pray for them.
12. Lastly, remember that even though this may feel like a battle between you and your family member, they are not the enemy. Ephesians 6:12 states: "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood but against (the devil and his minions.)"
Remember, while prodigal parenting can be a heartbreaking season, there can still be peace joy in the journey when we trust the LORD.
Kay O'Hara
July 20, 2019